7 Things to Do with Wool that Aren’t Knitting or Crocheting

7 Things to Do with Wool that Aren’t Knitting or Crocheting

It’s that time of year again! You’re in a yarn shop, standing in front of the cuddly wool roving and feel like you want to stock up…in every color. But maybe all this sock knitting and shawl crochet is starting to get a little too familiar for your taste. Consider these seven unusual ways to use wool without actually knitting or crocheting with it.

1. Household Cleaning

Wool is a great alternative for those who are allergic to other cleaning products because it repels dust and dirt, rather than just pushing the particles around on the floor or off of your counter top. Wipe down your windowsills and appliance surfaces with wool to get dirt without the chemicals.

2. Make Up Remover

A bit of lanolin on a washcloth will remove all your makeup and moisturize at the same time. Lanolin is an oily substance produced by sheep that helps keep their coats waterproof. It’s also a great moisturizer for your own skin.

3. Fire Starter

You can make a quick and easy fire starter out of lint from the dryer without any glue or chemicals by rolling it into a tight ball between your hands. Then soak it in wax, either from an old candle or crayons. Light it up and you’re ready to go. The great thing about this is that lint, by its nature, is very flammable; or try shredding newspaper instead.

4. Garden Mulch

Wool makes an excellent ground cover because it’s tough and doesn’t break down in wet weather. It will suppress weeds, help retain moisture in the soil and prevent pollutants from running off into waterways after a rainstorm. Do a Google search for “wool mulch” to find a list of companies that sell blended wool specifically designed for this purpose across the U.S., Canada and elsewhere around the world.

5. Gear Repel Water

Another reason wool is great as a mulch or ground cover is because it repels water, which means it won’t get all mushy and gross during wet weather. In turn, this makes it an excellent barrier for boots and other shoes to keep your feet dry. You can also rub it on the outside of your boots for added water resistance in rainy weather before you head out.

6. Bath Soak

Make a quick and easy bath soak by mixing warm water with epsom salts, then add some lanolin or olive oil and some wool scraps. The wool soaks up the water, leaving you with a warm soak that moisturizes your skin as well as cleanses it. A variation of this is to mix in some essential oils for aromatherapy. Tip: If you have leftover lanolin from making fire starters, strain out the big chunks before adding it to the tub.

7. Bottle Soak

Like your wine? Want to keep it at the optimum temperature for serving? Wool is great at absorbing both hot and cold temperatures, so wrap up that bottle of Malbec in some wool scraps before popping it into the fridge or freezer.