Copper & how it affects the body

Copper & how it affects the body

For many years I have had arthritis, especially in my fingers.  The last joint of the little finger on my right hand really gets bad.  It will swell, get inflamed & hurt really when I use my hand.  This is bad because I just this hand a lot.

A few years ago I discovered what I would call a miracle. …Copper, & how it affects the body.  My husband had some copper wire, twisted a few strands together, & made a bracelet for me.  To my surprise I wore it for just a few hours & the pain & swelling in my little finger was gone!  I couldn’t believe it!  I had tried pain medicine, Aspirin, & they didn’t work like the copper.  It does have a tendency of making a coppery stain on your skin, but this washes off easily with water.  It will eventually quit staining.

I have found that “Proponents of the treatment suggest that the skin absorbs tiny particles of copper.  This is then said to help reduce inflammation in the joints, as copper is a vital nutrient that serves this purpose in the body”

It’s so nice to use a natural way of relieving pain rather than use a drug.