Safe Tubs

Safe Tubs

Safe Tubs

My husband & I are up in years.  Our bodies ache & it sure feels good to have forced water hitting our back or sore areas.  Showers help some, but not the same feeling as a forceful jet.  There have been a few times we’ve gone over to a park area where they have indoor equipment & we head for their jacuzzi tub.  It’s wonderful & you can fill it w/ any temperature you like & then turn on the water jets.  Sometimes someone is already there so we just join them.  Only bad thing is it’s large & we usually end up sharing it w/ other people & then there are other times we have to wait our turn, which occasionally has been long.  If there is someone in the jacuzzi, most of the time they’re sitting in all of the available seats too.

We both decided on a different option, to buy our own tub.  We don’t feel safe stepping in & out of a regular tub, so we checked on a Safe Step Tub.  You just step in (the ledge is low), shut the door behind you, fill it w/ your favorite water temperature, & turn it on.  It’s wonderful & like it’s called…”safe”.  Sit down & enjoy the water jets hitting on your sore areas or aching back.