Solar Energy In The Home: How To Get Started

Solar Energy In The Home: How To Get Started

You can use some simple tools to help you get started with solar energy in your home. Bringing some of the sun’s power indoors will save you money on electricity, or perhaps even eliminate your electric bill completely! As long as you have some roof space available for panels, and are willing to invest some time into the project, you can start taking advantage of the free energy the sun provides right now.

What is Solar Energy?

Solar power is simply using sunlight to generate electricity. There are two types of solar devices: active and passive. Active solar systems use photovoltaic panels to convert sunlight into electricity. These solar panels can either be installed on top of your roof or on the ground next to your house. Passive solar systems don’t require photovoltaic cells because they rely solely on sunlight to produce heat and energy for a building. Passive solar power might consist of a large window on a south-facing wall which is heavily insulated to prevent heat loss. This type of system doesn’t need any complex equipment because the sun’s rays provide all the energy needed for heating and air conditioning.

How To Go Solar in Your Home?

If you want to install solar panels on your roof, there are a few things you should consider first.

  • Roof Space: Solar panels need direct sunlight to produce power, so if your roof is shaded during the day, or if most of it receives little sun exposure at all, don’t bother with solar energy on your roof. You will have better luck installing solar panels on the ground next to your house, where they can soak up the rays from all directions.
  • Roof Condition: If you have an older roof or a roof with damaged areas, you might need to patch your roof before installing solar panels. Solar panels are heavy and if your roof is in bad shape, you risk cracking it while installing them. Also consider that when it comes time to sell your home, you might get less money if the roof requires work.
  • Roof Color: If you want to use solar energy in your home, but don’t want to replace your roof, painting it white will allow it to reflect the sun’s radiation and stay cooler under sunlight. This will save on electricity because you will use your air conditioning less.
  • Roof Accessibility: Many solar panels need to be tilted and fixed at a specific angle (they often come preset). You will have to make sure that you can access the roof easily to make these adjustments if they are necessary. It might be hard or impossible to install some types of solar panels on your roof if it is too steep, short or crowded.
  • Roof Area: If you have a small roof, a simple solar device might be all you need to cut your electric bill and get started with solar energy in your home! But of course, if you have a large roof available for panels, installing several more powerful ones will allow you to produce more energy for your home.
  • Roof Proximity: If you live in a neighborhood with tall buildings, or if there are several trees around your roof, the solar panels will be partially shaded. If possible, choose a house that has a southern exposure and little or no shading around it during the day.