When you go camping or hiking it’s handy to take a clear, plastic water bottle. Learn how to start a fire with this.

When you go camping or hiking it’s handy to take a clear, plastic water bottle. Learn how to start a fire with this.

Some basic things are necessary when you’re traveling or camping.  Many times people like to camp in wooded areas.  It’s always fun to experience hiking, but make sure someone knows where you’re going, or best to hike w/ a friend.  Also carry a water bottle w/ you.  You’ll get thirsty, plus it’s amazing what you can do w/ your water.

   Water & being able to stay warm are pretty basic things.  If you do get cold you might be surprised to find out you can start a fire from your water bottle. 

   It’s amazing how powerful the sun can be.  Years ago I left a pair of glasses in the backseat of my car only to come back later & find the sun light had hit my glasses & a shot a very hot ray of light from the glasses up to the inside top of my car, burning a hole in it.  

If you need to start a fire for cooking food or just for staying warm, hopefully you have a water bottle.  You need sun light & a wad of dry grass or something similar.  Light going through the bottle of water can get very hot.  It might take several tries of getting the correct angle of the bottle to the sunlight, but holding the bottle so the light passing through will hit the grass & start heating it.  The grass will eventually catch on fire.  Be sure to have a place to put the heated grass so you can start a larger fire.


The photo above I found on the Internet.  If you search there you’ll find many areas giving you information on this topic.  I think it’s very important to know there are options for you to either survive if you’re lost or just use this technique if needed.