Cell Phones Come In Handy For All Different Topics

Cell Phones Come In Handy For All Different Topics

Cell phones have become a major part of our life.  When you think back several years ago of how we did things, it was sure difficult.  We might need to go to the library to look up some information, or if you’re away from home & needed to call someone you’d need to find a pay phone.  When @ home your phone was on a cord, so you couldn’t go very far from the base of your phone.  Now, with just a little cell phone you can do anything.  There are many types of apps you can put on your cell phone.  One will be used a lot.  Ask any type of question & it gives you an answer or directs you to different areas to check out.  You can quit typing & just talk to your phone.  You can have driving directions, set a timer, or an alarm, list contacts you call a lot of even separately have your favorites.  If you like to play games, then look up what kind you’re interested in, download that game, & then start playing.

Some people have become obsessed w/ their cell phones, using them while even driving.  I’ve seen people walking around, using their phones, & not paying attention to their surroundings.  These kinds of situations cause wrecks or someone getting hurt.  Some vehicles have built in phones & all you need to do is talk to it (hands free).  This is the safest way to use a phone while driving.  More people should press “speaker” on their phone more which also gives them hands free.

Our whole life has been built around this phone & what all it can do for us!