You Are What You Think You Are

You Are What You Think You Are

Have you ever found yourself tripping or bumping into something, then telling yourself “What a klutz!”  This is true about anything, because you are what you think you are.  Your brain is very powerful.  If you convince yourself you are clumsy, then you will continue to be just that…clumsy!  Of course you don’t want to disappoint yourself!  On the other hand, if you trip and then tell yourself “That isn’t like me to do that!”, then you’ll find yourself tripping less.  It’s like that with everything.  Always think positive about what you do & what you want to be.

You can relate this to smoking too.  If you are a smoker & want to quit, of course try hanging out less with smokers.  Let’s take for instance you used to sit @ your kitchen table & smoke a cigarette while reading the newspaper.  Start picturing yourself reading the paper & not smoking while you’re reading.  Create this image often.  Whatever you used to do & smoke too, have an image in your head of not having the cigarette.  I know this is hard to do, but just keep thinking about the image you want.

Just remember to tell yourself positive things & you’ll  be happier w/ your life, because you are what you think you think you are.