Six Solar Powered Devices to Make Your Life Easier

Solar energy has changed our whole lives. From the way we power our homes, do our daily activities, and even charge our phones. The use of solar power in various appliances and devices has made life easier, more affordable, and faster.

Before the onset of solar power, we relied mainly on fuel-powered generators for electricity, electricity providers for charging, and even heating water. With solar power, all you need to power these devices is just direct sunlight. With sunlight, you can provide electricity for your home, heat water, charge your phones, and even bake a cake. There are many solar-powered devices out there, but here are six of our favorite gadgets.

Solar powered generators

Solar-powered generators are a perfect replacement for gas-powered or fuel-powered ones. These generators are easy to use and do not emit any toxic gases or fumes. This makes it perfect for indoor use. The good part is that there is no flammable fuel, making it easier to store and maintain. The energy is completely free, which makes it safer for the environment and you get to save extra cash.

The upfront payment for solar-powered generators is quite expensive, but they are worth the investment.

Solar tent

Solar tents were a logical development of solar panels on homes. This invention was created for campers who needed a form of power supply. Not everyone is a big fan of the traditional way of camping—sourcing food and water. Some people enjoy having everything at their disposal. These tents have powered lights and outlets for you to charge your phones, tablets, and even cooking accessories. Some tents can also come with LED lights and touch controls.

Solar keyboard

Another great solar-powered device to make your life easier is the solar keyboard. This streamlined keyboard is designed to make your work easier and your desk more attractive. The wireless keyboard can work anywhere you are—office, home, tent, and even your hotel room.

Solar backpack

Imagine walking on a hiking trail while charging your mobile phone and camera-sounds cool right? This solar-powered backpack is designed to help you take power anywhere with you. The bag features a solar panel and a USB pack. This guarantees you that your devices will remain charged all through the trip. This gadget increases the safety of your next trip as you are not going to be without an active device.

A solar laptop charger

The solar laptop itself is still at work and has not reached the market. There are portable and secure laptop chargers out there that rely on solar power. These gadgets have been around for a while, and they help increase your battery life by using renewable and clean energy. While laptops can’t run solely on solar energy, their batteries will last longer, meaning more productivity.

Solar-powered cooking devices

Some cooking electronics are now solar powered, like the oven, water heater, refrigerator, and grill. Although the grill is still in the works, it is not on market yet.