Renewable Solar Powered Energy: How It Helps the Environment

Renewable Solar Powered Energy: How It Helps the Environment

With the increasing consumer interest in renewable energy sources, now is a good time to discuss how solar panels help the environment. These types of power sources are often used by homeowners who want to reduce their carbon footprint and make use of an alternative power source. The following paragraphs will define what renewable solar energy is, outline how it can be beneficial for the environment, and provide information on how it can be used as a power source.

The Power of Renewable Solar Energy

Solar energy is created through the use of systems such as solar panels. These types of products convert sunlight into electrical currents, which can then be used to power homes and businesses. This type of renewable energy often uses cells that are made from silicon, a material that is very efficient in converting the sun’s rays into useable energy. The cells are then put in a configuration that allows them to maximize their exposure to sunlight in order to create the most power possible. This method of conversion is unique when compared with other renewable sources such as wind and hydroelectricity because each cell does not necessarily require the use of moving parts. However, other types of solar power do exist that can reduce environmental damage even further if they are implemented on a large scale. For example, concentrating solar energy creates electricity by using mirrors to focus sunlight into one central location where it is converted into power. This method is most often used in conjunction with photovoltaic cells since the highly concentrated sunlight can boost the electrical output of the cells. As such, this type of solar power helps to cut down on costs and increase efficiency by using mirrors to concentrate sunlight onto a smaller area of photovoltaic cells. This configuration ensures that each cell receives more than enough energy so that it can operate at peak efficiency, thereby reducing the number of cells that would otherwise have to be used in order to produce a substantial amount of power. Since concentrating solar energy has been shown to reduce the number of photovoltaic cells needed in a system, there is a smaller amount of land needed for this type of renewable energy in comparison with other types such as wind power. In fact, a research team from MIT has stated that concentrating solar energy is three times as efficient as wind power and twice as efficient as hydroelectricity.

The Effect of Solar Energy on the Environment

There are several ways in which solar energy can help the environment. Since these types of power sources do not require any fuel to create electricity, the amount of pollution that would otherwise be released into the atmosphere is drastically reduced. For example, large power plants that release carbon dioxide and other harmful pollutants into the air will no longer be needed if homes and businesses rely on solar energy for their electricity.