Essential Pet Supplies for your Rabbit

Essential Pet Supplies for your Rabbit

While cats and dogs share and require minimal pet supplies, rabbits are more demanding and require more to feel welcomed.

So, how best can you accommodate these creatures into your home? Below are essential pet supplies to help make your bunny feel comfortable at home.

1. A secure cage or enclosed space

A cage or enclosed space is needed for your rabbit. This is where the rabbit spends time sleeping and eating. The cage should be spacious enough to accommodate them as they grow over time. Ensure that the space is also secure to prevent them from wandering off and becoming at risk of predators.

2. Litter box and litter

Your bunny can be potty trained to make use of litter boxes. These litter boxes come in different shapes and sizes for your rabbit’s toilet needs. We recommend purchasing more than one litter box, one kept inside their cage while another kept in their play area.

To ensure proper pet hygiene, use appropriate litter fillings such as newspaper, soft bedding materials, straw, or wood-based litter. Avoid using scented litter or anything that contains chemicals that can be harmful to the bunny’s health. The odor can also make them avoid the litter box.

3. Hay and other natural food

Rabbits have specific dietary needs. Hay should be your rabbit’s primary food intake, making up at least 80% of their diet. Grass hay is rich in fiber and healthy for the rabbit’s digestive tract.

Provide your rabbits with a constant supply of hay, such as timothy, meadow, oat, and orchard. Although younger rabbits can eat all types, we do not recommend feeding adult rabbits alfalfa hay, as it is too rich in protein and calcium. Alfalfa is better for baby rabbits as it will aid their growth.

Supplement their diet with fresh, leafy greens and a limited number of rabbit pellets. Vegetables provide your rabbit with the necessary vitamins and minerals.

4. Food bowl

While it is normal for rabbits to eat directly from the ground, food bowls are needed for pellets, kibble, vegetables, and other foods that complete your rabbit’s diet. You may consider purchasing a food dispenser that releases the food in moderation to avoid overfeeding.

Hay feeders can be installed in front of their litter box to ensure that your rabbits eat fresh and nutritious hay.

5. Water bottle

A constant supply of water is needed to keep your rabbits hydrated. Hang their water bottles at a level that is accessible to them. Water bottles are preferred to water bowls as they could knock these bowls over and soil their shelter.

Provide fresh water daily and frequently check to ensure the bottle is full.

6. Toys

Toys help stimulate your rabbit physically and mentally. Rabbit toys include shredded newspapers, cardboard, and chewing sticks. The idea is to give them something to nibble on.

Toys also have health benefits for your rabbit. You may have noticed that your rabbit habitually chews fibrous materials. They chew these materials to keep their teeth healthy and prevent dental problems. A chew toy will help them stay content and healthy.

These essentials will keep them healthy and happy. Purchasing them may be pretty expensive, but rabbits have lower maintenance costs than cats and dogs.