Best Cat Breeds for Families with Kids

Best Cat Breeds for Families with Kids

Do you have kids and are looking for a family-friendly cat breed? Some cats are better suited for families with children than others. In this article, we will take a look at some of the best cat breeds for families with kids.


Siamese cats are known for their intelligence and playful personalities. They are also very affectionate and bond well with their human families. Siamese cats are good with kids and can be a lot of fun to have around the house.

Although they are not the most cuddly of cats, they do enjoy being around people and will often follow their humans around the house. Siamese cats are also known for being talkative, so be prepared for some chatter when you have one of these cats in your home.


Birman cats are gentle, loving, and good with kids. They are also very social creatures that enjoy being around people. Birman cats make great family pets and can provide your kids with hours of enjoyment.

These cats are known for their beautiful blue eyes and long, silky fur. Birman cats are also one of the few cat breeds that do not shed much. If you are looking for a family-friendly cat breed that is low maintenance, the Birman is a great choice.


Persian cats are another good choice for families with kids. They are known for their sweet dispositions and gentle natures. Persian cats make great lap cats and will often cuddle with their humans.

Although they are not as active as some other cat breeds, they do enjoy playing and can be a lot of fun for kids to interact with. Persian cats are also one of the few cat breeds that do not shed much.


Sphynx cats are a unique breed that is known for being hairless. These cats are very social and enjoy being around people. Sphynx cats are good with kids and make great family pets.

Despite their lack of fur, Sphynx cats are not hypoallergenic. However, they do require less grooming than other cat breeds.

If you are looking for a unique cat breed that is low maintenance, the Sphynx is a great choice. If you have kids who are allergic to cats, the Sphynx may be a good option as well.

Maine Coon

What list of family-friendly cat breeds would be complete without the Maine Coon? These large cats are known for their gentle dispositions and loving nature. Maine Coons make great family pets and are good with kids.

Maine Coons are also one of the few cat breeds that do not shed much. Although they are a high-maintenance breed, they are well worth the effort. If you are looking for a big, cuddly cat to add to your family, the Maine Coon is a perfect choice.

Final Words

From active and playful to laid-back and cuddly, there is a cat breed out there that is perfect for every family. In this article, we have looked at some of the best cat breeds for families with kids. If you are looking for a family-friendly cat, one of these breeds may be the perfect fit for you.