Beat the Heat

Beat the Heat

Sometimes the heat outside gets unbearable. If you’re outside it’s always nice being able to find a shady spot, but better yet to have a breeze too.
We have 2 boys involved in Boy Scouts. They go on trips together all year round but many of them are during the summer months. Most of the boys go to scout camp too for 2 or more weeks. While there they stay in tents which can be very hot & even leaving the front & the back open it still doesn’t provide enough air to pass through. The boys depend upon batteries for various things. I guess you could say that’s one part of their trip where they aren’t totally “roughing it”. One of the boys has a fan that runs on a battery & it has perks. It folds up so it’s easy to pack, it adjusts to many different heights, & last @ last 6 hrs on a single charge. When asked where he bought it he said his dad purchased it on the Internet @ “”. Many of boys enjoyed it so much they decided to get one too because it can be used anyplace.
Everyone gets so hot they start inventing ways of staying cool. Someone discovered a ring for around your neck that blows cool air. It runs on batteries too.
Years ago these type of things hadn’t been invented yet, but I know they would have been a big hit. Why not enjoy the camping trips without being miserable, especially when it gets very hot.